Hear Their 



“Sarah” came in to confirm her pregnancy before getting an abortion. She was found to be 7 weeks pregnant and stated that there was nothing that concerned her about an abortion choice. Sarah’s boyfriend does not want the baby and her relationship with him was not good anymore.  She had had a prior abortion when she was on drugs, stating that, “she didn’t want a "crack baby" because it would not be fair to the child.” 

Sarah was given an ultrasound. but was still ;going to have an abortion. She was offered a second ultrasound a and returned for it one week later. After her second ultrasound, the nurse called her and found out that Sarah was keeping the baby. We praise the Lord for working in Sarah’s heart and through the CA and nurse to bring her to this life decision!


“Genesis” was tearful, unemployed, and living with her mother, she did not want to be pregnant. When asked by her advocate about abortion, she said she had to do it. Genesis had not researched abortion procedures and said she did not want to be informed about them either. During her ultrasound, Genesis found out she was already 24 weeks along, but was still undecided on what to do.

For several weeks, many attempts were made to contact Genesis regarding her pregnancy decision. When we finally reached her, she shared that she contacted one of the adoption agencies we referred her to and was in the process of making an adoption plan for her baby! We are overjoyed to know of her life-affirming choice of adoption. We praise the Lord for His work in her heart to make an adoption plan for her baby!


“Elena” was a high school senior when she became pregnant by her partner. She was 100% certain that she wanted an abortion. She had big dreams of going to college. She was also nervous about telling her parents.

Elena’s advocate told her about her options other than abortion: adoption and parenting. After their discussion she was given an ultrasound and encouraged to tell her boyfriend and parents. She left the session undecided about abortion.

Several weeks later Elena came in and shared the news that she had changed her mind! She decided to have the baby. Her parents had responded better than she thought they would. She also signed up to enroll in our “Earn While you Learn” classes. Seven months later she gave birth to a baby boy! We praise God that Elena chose life for her beautiful child!