Provide ultrasounds for women seeking abortion

In the state of Virginia, you do not need to have an ultrasound before an abortion or even to confirm the viability of the pregnancy. Thousands of women are searching online for the abortion pill.

Approximately 1 out of every 2 abortions performed is a chemical at-home abortion. No ultrasound. No doctor. No one to tell her the truth about her baby and the procedure she is about to undertake.

Here at NOVA Pregnancy Help Centers, we provide every patient with a FREE ultrasound so she can hear the heartbeat and see her developing baby.

She can see that it is not "a blob or a clot" but a human being!

Did you know that for just $250 you can provide a free ultrasound?

  • Provide 1 ultrasound with $250

  • Provide 2 ultrasounds with $500

An ultrasound will empower her to choose life as she sees the baby in her womb and hears the heartbeat.

Your gift of $250 provides women with a view into God’s miracle of life!

Standard Ultrasound Image

Oh my gosh, it’s a baby!
— Patient during her first ultrasound

4D Ultrasound Image